Monday, July 02, 2007


Save Troy Davis

Some of you may already be aware of the case of Troy Anthony Davis, currently on death row in Georgia. In 1991, Davis was convicted of murder largely on the basis of eyewitness testimony—no physical evidence links him to the crime. Since his trial, six of nine eyewitnesses have recanted their original statements, yet federal law prevents these new eyewitness statements from being heard. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Davis last week, opening the way for his execution.

The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has created a website providing a sample letter in order for you to write to the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles, asking for clemency. Please take a moment to let the state of Georgia know that Troy Davis should not be executed and must be given a hearing by the courts for new evidence to be examined.
Comments :
Federal law prohibits the arguments being heard by federal courts. There is nothing stopping a state court from looking at the evidence.
Why should federal law prohibit the nation's highest courts from ensuring that innocent people are not executed? State judges are forced to stand for re-election and often pay with their jobs for looking "weak on crime." The federal judges are nominated for life and therefore can look at the true merits of a case. The fact that they are prohibited from looking at the truth in this case is just another example of how broken the death penalty system truly is!
It doesn't. As you know, House allows second petitions where innocence is shown.
Paul House's case is a special circumstance, due to the existence of DNA evidence. Troy Davis has as powerful a claim of innocence but no DNA evidence to allow those claims to be heard over the extremely rigid rules for introducing new evidence. Remember, of the 124 death row exonerees only 15 had DNA evidence prove their innocence. An innocent life may be taken soon, because procedural regulations have stopped the truth from being heard.
And likely one of those so-called exonerees (Timothy Hennis) is going to have DNA evidence nail him to the wall.

You guys need to look at AEDPA's innocence provision. The problem is not Troy's evidence of innocence--it's just that the case has issues now. But it is false to suggest that no court can look at his case. They can. The courts just may not think that the evidence of innocence here is as strong as you do.
Please,please do not execute that poor man,all he did wrong was to be in the wrong place at the wrong times.We can just rely on eye witnesses becaue they can make mistakes.If you don't have any physical evidence against this men,then release him..Please!

You'll be pleased to note that Troy Davis has received a 90-day stay.

As for the previous post, is Juan Melendez guilty? How about Ray Krone? Shujaa Graham? Harold Wilson? Greg Wilhoit? Is your argument that you believe 1 of the 124 death row exonerees is actually guilty so the years taken away from those men don't matter? Do we actually believe that every one of the over 3,000 death row inmates nationally are guilty? Or that every one of the 1,000 executed inmates in the modern era were guilty? I'm sure Cameron Todd Willingham's family would have something to say about that. The point is, our system isn't perfect. We're human beings and we make mistakes. Without ultimate knowledge and wisdom, we should not hand down ultimate punishment. Troy Davis' case is just one tragic example. And as for AEDPA, that awful piece of legislation closed the door on a lot of innocence claims as well as calls for true justice in sentencing. And suggesting that an "effective death penalty" in any way deters terrorists (particularly those who are seeking to become "martyrs") is simply ridiculous.
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