Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Live Nun Sleeping!

TCASK is so grateful to Belmont University, particularly to Dr. Todd Lake, for bringing Sister Helen Prejean to Nashville for a presentation at Belmont on Monday. She received a standing ovation from those in attendance after sharing her story and reflecting upon the power of the arts to move people to new places and new understandings regarding difficult issues such as the death penalty. Belmont was quite gracious in sharing Sister Helen with TCASK as she participated in our press conference joining clergy from across the state to urge the Governor to extend the moratorium.

After a lunch in her honor at Belmont, Alex and I whisked Sister Helen away to prepare for our press conference at 3:30. As we were racing around the office attending to last minute details, Sister Helen got a little shut eye on our donated office sofa. We decided to capture the moment by taking her picture (of course, we asked first!) It is not everyday that Sister Helen takes a nap in one's office.

We are deeply grateful to Sister Helen for her witness to the love and mercy of God through her tireless efforts to abolish the death penalty in this country. Sister, you can crash on our sofa anytime!

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