Tuesday, July 17, 2007
From Both Sides
What if your child or loved one was murdered? Would you then desire revenge, desire retribution, desire the death penalty?
First, the idea that you would fight to the bone to save your mother's murderer from death is sick. It is one thing to oppose the death penalty and maybe even mention it to the prosecutor, but it is quite another to actively fight to help someone who killed a loved one. It's disloyal and has a "hey everyone look at me quality" to it. You don't help those who kill the person who birthed you--period.
As for Jerry McWee being "murdered" by the state, that is hyperbole and a smear of the people involved in his death sentence. People who are executed are not "murdered". Why you choose to smear law-abiding folks on behalf of a cause that is trying to help murderers is simply immoral. By calling McWee's execution, you are calling the jurors, the prosecutors, the judges and the executioners "murderers". That is completely wrong. You should apologize.
Is McWee more beautiful than Maureen Faulkner, a woman who has endured much to see that her husband's murderer faces the music for his crimes?
Once again, you have missed the underlying point to the post and focused in on what validates your position as a proponent. I will do the best that I can to respond to your post.
Murder victims families have REAL experience. I do not. I have discussed this issue with my mother (who I love so much, I was born on her birthday in fact!) and she is in support of my position. She would not want someone else to die to somehow right her death--no matter how inhumane or gruesome her death might be. Obviously, I feel the same about my own life. But, I don't have REAL experience.
Hector Black, James Staub, Clemmie Greenlee, Regina Hockett, Bud Welch, Renny Cushing, all have done what you described in your response as "sick." I have had the pleasure of meeting Hector, James, Clemmie, and Regina and I can tell you that they are not "sick" people. I am offended...actually more so saddened that you would say that about them. Of course I can assume that your response is that you said it about me, but remember, my family members have not been murdered. So really, what validity do I have.
Those folks did not want people to look at them, they wanted to save a life. That's how I feel as well. If there is someway that my personal actions can save a life than I will do all that I can to do that. If you were referring to what you derive as sensationalism because I have no real experience I can understand that. But please, do not accuse REAL murder victims families who want to save lives as having a "hey everyone look at me quality."
From the bottom of my heart I will pray for you--I will pray that you see forgiveness, mercy, and compassion--just as the murder victims families sought for those facing punishment.
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