Tuesday, August 08, 2006


on the road again...

i'm sittin' in the parking lot of a laundromat in jackson, tn that has wireless internet available for free so i thought i'd throw out an update...

while the lil' jesuit dude is taking a week off in nyc to get his life in order before returning for another year i am on the road again...i just finished an hour long radio interview that will air this sunday on jackson's big am newstalk radio station...it was hosted by professor gene davenport of lambuth university and was quite a good discussion - can't wait to get a cd of the show for our archives...

but that's the appetizer for the trip ... organizing has 2 key questions: what do we want to do and who do we need to work with to get er' done...

so today i'm in jackson to work on the second half of that equation...we need to work with the local chapter of the naacp to pass a municipal resolution and we need to know insiders who have connections and understand how to unlock the doors that make local politics a mystery to an outsider...so i'm having lunch with reverend willie ozier of the naacp and carol estes who sits on the school board and is a former councilperson ... and hopefully another meting or two before i shift gears and head back to nashville along i-40 east...

oh, and the bonus for me??? i get to drive past my favorite named town in the state - BUCKSNORT!!!

peace out <3
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