Thursday, May 04, 2006


Well That's a New One!

"Since maximum security prisons are such horrible places, wouldn't it be better to just execute an innocent person, instead of sending them there for life to face all of that abuse?"

Now, I've been traveling around the state speaking to different groups for a while now, so I thought I'd heard 'em all, but this question, at a Disciples of Christ church out in Clarksville last night, kind of took me aback. I mean, really, there's a question that I'd never had raised before. I mean I'd heard the argument that life in prison may be a worse punishment than death for some (and I can see the point there) but it's better to execute innocent people than to put them in jail? Wow.

So my response was that, if I was that innocent person, I'd want every chance I could get to prove my innocence and that, instead of thinking about what punishment would be best for innocent people, we should aim for a system that doesn't target the innocent! Just a thought.
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