Wednesday, January 18, 2006


the height of absurdity...

so kacy forwards an article to tcask this morning (thanks k!) about the execution of clarence ray allen in california ... he's the 76 year old deaf, legally blind, and wheelchair bound elderly man whom it took the state 2 shots of potassium chloride to kill ...

i read the article and nearly spit papaya juice out my eyeballs (through my nose in think) when i read the following...

"Having suffered a heart attack back in September, Allen had asked prison authorities to let him die if he went into cardiac arrest before his execution, a request prison officials said they would not honor."

now in the comedy business you would refer to the above quote as the setup - the prequel to the punchline...and so it's not funny, it lacks zazz, nothin' to call mom about on yer cell phone and chat about if you will...

but this is the next quote in the article...

"At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life," said prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon. "We would resuscitate him," then execute him."

now check it out ... i bolded, italicized, and underlined the statement just so YOU CAN'T MISS IT ...

now if this is not emblematic of the absolute vacuity of pro-death penalty apologists i'm nothin' but a kenny rogers roaster in a big red dress...

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