Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Lighting the FUSE!

No, TCASK isn't blowing anything up (except maybe the idea that the South isn't ready for abolition), but the fact that you thought that clearly demonstrates that you haven't been keeping up with your blog reading homework. FUSE is Families United to Stop Executions and it's a new program that we're launching here at TCASK to empower family members of those on death row to speak out for themselves against the death penalty. These families represent the invisible victims of capital punishment, and it is long past time that their voices be heard.

A short while ago, we sent out our initial letters to the inmates on death row, asking them to provide us with the names of their family members that they thought might be interested. This week, responses have started to come in and today we received three separate letters with contact information for five family members! Needless to say, we are excited here in the office. So as we all sit down for Thanksgiving dinner with our families and loved ones tomorrow, let's take just a moment to remember the families that can't be together and let's all give thanks that their voices may finally be heard.

Happy Thanksgiving.
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