Monday, June 26, 2006


prayin' for some o' that ol' tennessee magic...

it's 6:03 pm and alex has drifted out - we've both been working steadily and been very productive today ... and the energy is still waxing...

still, you can feel it shrouding over the office just a little bit - even john coltrane, hard as he's trying, can't keep it from drifting in like an early morning fog ... that thing called death

we don't talk much about the outcome of what the state has planned for tomorrow night - the premeditated homicide of two individuals ... it's heavy and begins to bear down like a an old-fashioned 200, lb. barbell weight ... this thing called by other names but is in fact revenge killing ...

so i sit here praying for what a dear friend of mine refers to as, "that tennessee magic," ...

you see we've had more than 20 execution dates scheduled since robert coe was killed by us good people here in the state of tennessee on 4/19/00 and each and every one of them have been stayed...

...thanks to the nose-to-the-grindstone, creative, talented, dedicated lawyers who work capital defense cases at the state post-conviction, the federal public defender, and some private law offices across the state ...

so you see, it's their work and not "magic" that has stopped all of those executions ... so in the prayers that you unleash upon the universe in the next 24 hours make sure to include all those lawyers, their families, their friends, and all who sustain them ... and ask for them to have very good days tomorrow - for all our sakes...

peace out - <3
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