Thursday, February 02, 2006


I Ain't Sayin' He's a Blood Sucker

Now, I wouldn't call a high ranking official of the state of Tennessee names, or anything, but if you watched the news last night you might have seen this story:
in which it is revealed that the Attorney General's office is still saying that the execution of Greg Thompson, which had been scheduled for February 7th and then was stayed when a
federal judge thought that there was a chance that a man who says that he wrote every song on the radio and is a Klingon who can survive electrocution might not be mentally competent to be executed.

Now, everything that we at TCASK have heard indicates that Thompson's execution is not going to happen, that the stay will hold. Attorney General Summers, who previously sought a conservator for Thompson because "(Thompson) is incapable of making rational decisions," seems to think that a federal judge will get all the paper work and pleas and make a ruling that very day. Why he thinks that such an occurrence might happen is unclear.

What will result is dragging a severely mentally ill man into the death house. That means that he'll be awakened at midnight and forced to decide what will happen to all his personal affects after his death. He'll be separated from all of his possessions, his Bible, pictures of family, everything, and moved into a terrifying and unknown cell under constant surveillance.

Now we've heard that the execution won't occur. But at least we will get a chance to further disturb an already disturbed man and once again drag up painful memories for a grieving family. I'm not saying the Attorney General is out for blood, but what purpose can this serve?
Comments :
lestat - i'm convinced his name is paul lestat-summers ... i'm just sayin '...
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