Friday, April 27, 2007


As If He Needed Another Reason

Today's Tennessean carried an article detailing a recent scientific investigation into lethal injection. The study found that current protocols across the country may amount to torture! Has the Department of Corrections read this report? We don't know. Are they consulting proper medical experts? We don't know. But hopefully, with the Nashville Scene's victory in court we will at least get to find out.

But how much does the Governor need to hear? He knows that there hasn't been an independent and open review of execution protocols! He knows that the American Bar Association has found Tennessee's death penalty to be so broken that they've called on him to extend his current moratorium! He knows that hundreds of Tennesseans have called and emailed him over the last week calling on him to extend his moratorium until a full study (like HB 2162/SB1911 calls for) can be conducted! And on Monday he'll hear from Sister Helen Prejean and faith leaders across Tennessee, including Bishops of the Catholic and Episcopal churches, the president of the IMF, and Baptist ministers, that people of faith do not want to see a broken system continue to operate!

How much more does the Governor need to hear?
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